CKEditor Plugin to embed Youtube videos.


Checkout the repository on Github or download from the latest stable version from the plugin’s page on CKEditor Plugin Repository


Follow these steps:

  1. Extract the downloaded file into the CKEditor plugins? folder.
  2. Enable the plugin by changing or adding the extraPlugins line in your configuration (config.js):
config.extraPlugins = "youtube";

Protip: If you would like to use more than one extra plugin, use a comma to separate the plugin names. Do not put any space around the commas.


config.extraPlugins = "youtube,plugin2,plugin3";

In CKEditor 4.1 or higher you need to disable ACF (Advanced Content Filter) in the config.js file:

config.allowedContent = true;

How to use

If everything is ok, a Youtube icon should appear on the CKEditor toolbar. Click it, paste your embed code or video URL and the video will be inserted.